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Return Meeting | Self-Compassion (Dutch/English)
Return Meeting | Self-Compassion (Dutch/English)

Return Meeting | Self-Compassion (Dutch/English)

Reconnecting yourself again & again with a compassionate stance

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17 nov 2024, 19:30 – 21:00 CET

Secure Online Environment


Monthly Return Meetings (90 min)

Each month we come together with those who are committed to practice compassion on a regular basis. Roughly the first half an hour is spend on bringing forward challenges that one encounters in order to gain new insights, the next half an hour is dedicated to practicing compassion together, and lastly there is room to share our experiences to learn from each other and further deepen our self-knowledge.

Time & Dates

The monthly return meetings take place once a month on a Sunday from 7.30 to 9.00pm.


€ 39,- / return meeting

€ 29,- / return meeting (half year)

€ 19,- / return meeting (one year)

FYI: Return meetings will be in Dutch or English, depending on the people who signed up.

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